This was another July 4th display that is a little more fitting. I offset it so you can see the Oregon flag in the background. In between holidays they put up all the states flags.
I can see that this is also a product placement photo. The A-1 bottle stands tall and proud. (: What are the statues made of? They are really amazingly detailed. I would love to see the inner workings of the people whose job it is to provide atmosphere and comfort to troops away from home. You mentioned once that you have to be careful with picture taking in the chow hall. Why is this? We guessed but we would like to know for sure.
They look like they are all paper mache. I am sure it is an interesting subculture. You are not supposed to take pictures of or inside of buildings, especially large gathering places. It is all for security so someone can't see the layout - exits, power sources, security ect.
I can see that this is also a product placement photo. The A-1 bottle stands tall and proud. (: What are the statues made of? They are really amazingly detailed. I would love to see the inner workings of the people whose job it is to provide atmosphere and comfort to troops away from home. You mentioned once that you have to be careful with picture taking in the chow hall. Why is this? We guessed but we would like to know for sure.
They look like they are all paper mache. I am sure it is an interesting subculture. You are not supposed to take pictures of or inside of buildings, especially large gathering places. It is all for security so someone can't see the layout - exits, power sources, security ect.
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