Thursday, July 3, 2008

Kidd (on the left), one of our fearless flight platoon sergeants did most of the grilling. Next to him is Ocasio (our other flight platoon sergeant), Chastain (the man behind the boss) and Friend in the background trying to decide what else to eat.


Unknown said...

Another clothes question. As everyone is dressed alike, I am not assuming similar taste in the latest fashion, but a leisure uniform. (: Whats with the green glowing belts? (:

David said...

Ocasio is in his flight suit but the other guys are in PTs (physical training uniform). The Marines are very strict on wearing the PT uniform - you can only wear it on your way to exercise, exercising, or on your way back. On other bases you can wear it just about anytime you aren't on duty (to the PX, chow hall, just walking around ect). To tell you the truth I like the Marine system better. It is kind of a pain when you have to get in your full uniform to eat on your day off but I think overall it creates a more professional atmosphere. In this instance the rules were relaxed since it was our holiday and they were just in our area. The belts are reflective belts that have to be worn any time you are wearing the PTs. I guess it is for better visibility at night but the uniforms themselves are reflective.