On our most recent maintenance day (24 June - no missions scheduled) we had a BBQ to celebrate July 4th since that will be just another work day for us. We got a bunch of food from the chow hall and grilled our own hot dogs and hamburgers. It was a good time and a chance to talk with people I don't see very often. The three in front are some of our crew members (L-R Potter, Roberts, and Pennley).
I hope that this separate celebration doesn't mean that we miss pictures of the 4th mess hall decorations? I, and I am sure there are more of me, was really looking forward to pictures of the 4th of July mess hall. (:
I am sorry to say that I don't have any pictures. They are getting more diligent about no pictures and I got scared :) But I can attempt to describe it - the center piece was four people. A flag bearer followed by a flute player and a couple of drummers. They were wearing some blue uniform that looked kind of Navy like but wasn't. Steve had a good description of them. He said they looked like members of the Philippine navy stationed in the Antarctic on submarine duty (they were very white with Asian faces). Right behind them was a very impressive parrot in a tree along with some figure that looked like the gingerbread man from the movie Shrek. I haven't given up on more pictures but I have to be discrete.
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