Saturday, July 19, 2008

This was taken on the first day of test flights on 176, our last aircraft out of phase over here. The guy on the left is Martin. He is one of the lead guys on the day shift for the maintenance squad and here he is signing off the last write ups so we can go fly. On the right is Penley who was my flight engineer for the day. He is a former Marine crew chief on a C-130 who has given us a lot of insight on how the Marines operate.


DAD said...

I remember that you were able to go to Iraq ahead of time to help set up the Marine-Army Chinook coordination..what you could do and couldn't do. Was there someone officially who acted as liasion while you were there? Or was your help unofficial? Guys willing to do a bit extra? Will a new Chinook unit be coming in? I seem to think not, but I am not sure why I assume that.

David said...

We had a Major that worked in the MAG (Marine Air Group) - our higher headquarters who acted as our liaison. He set up meetings and transportation so we could talk to all the people we need to. It was a great help and he made our job a whole lot easier. Our replacement unit is already here and it is a CH-53 unit (Marines). There is rumors that another Chinook unit will replace them but that is a long way off and a lot could change before then.