Saturday, September 8, 2007

These are the leftover puddles of gorilla snot (at least that is what they call it). It is used to glue together the top layer of dirt and keep the dust down. It works great but I can only imagine what that stuff is made of (probably not real environmentally friendly).


Blake said...

Dave, I've been reading your blog often. I really enjoy reading it, cause it gives me a small glimpse of what is going on with you guys. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. We will be moving up to Iraq shortly. Keep in touch. Drop me an email anytime. I seen to have lost your.

David said...


Great to hear from you. I don't envy you guys at all except maybe the fact that it will be a little cooler when you get here. I hope things are going a little better in your unit - I understand it has been a struggle getting your training done with the maintenance issues. Take care and I will send you my email address.

tiapugh said...

i can appreciate anything called gorilla snot.
thanks for the updates.

andy and i are painting the house today. only a few more weeks...

take care

David said...

That is kind of a catchy name - if anyone would appreciate it I figured it would be you :) Impressive progress on the house - I had no idea you guys were so far a long. You will have to send me pictures. I am sure yours is much nicer than mine over here but at least now you have a picture to compare (and I didn't have to build this one - just killed the ants and it was all mine ):)

tiapugh said...

i post all of the progress of the house on my blog.