Monday, September 17, 2007

16 Sep

Things have just been cruising along – it’s hard to know one day from the next except for the day you eat steak and crab then you know it is Wednesday. Lately football has become a time tracker – as in how many more days until the next game. They show a lot of games here but they start at 9PM and go until 4AM. They will replay some of the games the next day but by then if it was a good game people are already talking about it. I did finally figure out the problem with my computer so now I can record things. I don’t really have a lot of time to watch TV so this should make it more efficient – I can skip through the commercials. Maintenance has calmed down a little bit – we have had the normal breaks but nothing really big the last couple of days. Tonight is Brian’s first night on the mission schedule so it is just J.R. and I for test flights. J.R. had his second test flight by himself today and ended up having to land on the other side of the airfield because of a hydraulic leak. Of course we don’t have flight line drivers’ licenses so we had to get an escort to drive over there and get him the parts which was a nut roll. They flew it back but by then it was dark so after it was fixed I decided to fly it with NVGs (night visions goggles). The exact same leak happened to me at the same spot on the airfield but I wasn’t about to spend hours getting back so decided not to land – the advantage of having lots of hydraulic fluid on board J

Clear H 113 L 82

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