Monday, January 21, 2008

Looking back towards the uplands. Some of the formations remind me of the Arizona desert, just on a smaller scale.


DAD said...

Looking at this picture which is VERY Arizona like....I am reminded of our Village Mission status. (: I, personally, would go to Arizona (or Nevada or New Mexico) in 2 seconds. In the hot desert dryness that would force me to seek shelter
under any light but moonlight. I used to say "there is nothing like the American West, but I see, in this, as maybe other areas, I am wrong (: How does this remind me of Village Missions? Becasue our only hope of living, temporarily, in these places is a Village Missions request. Are we of them or not? I think "Not" and the Alaska experience was only an "Oh well...what harm can they do?" one time only reluctance becasue no one else would go. Ah say. " Certainly not so. Yes, probably so. Too bad. I love the American West. Even under a hat and totally clothed in sun repellany cloth. (: Glad you are living and seeing such wonders in Iraq.

Edward said...

Hey Dave, nice pictures. I really enjoy reading your updates. All the day pics are weird to see, I didn't know it looked like that :). Anyways, we have to see about getting you a new camera. I like the acronym list, but just wait until you see the alphabet soup that comes with the F model.

David said...


It is good to hear from you. I am glad you enjoy the pics and yes it was a little strange to see it during the day. At least for the first few months. It sure has been a nice change - I'm not sure I could handle another year of nothing but nights. I have been on days for the last couple of months and I love it. I imagine I will go back to nights for a couple of weeks in March to get my check ride in but then back to days. I find the less I fly nights the less I like it. I hear you are teaching the F model these days - that has to be interesting. Not that I would ever want to do it:) I still plan on being there this fall or whenever we get out of here. I will definitely be in touch before then. I am still missing the coffee nights - the Green Bean just isn't the same without you :) Take care.

Andrew and Jen said...

We just went through some sections of Peru that look very much like this as well. Crazy landscapes...miles and miles of sand... it is something like the second largest desert coastline next to Nambia. Not what you would normally think of when describing Peru. - Andrew