Monday, January 21, 2008

Flying over the desert out west. At some point in the past my camera developed a spot on the inside of the lens that is just about dead center of the picture - rather annoying.


DAD said...

If you went down in the deserts out west (the Iraq ones) would there be, in a moment, instant people interested in the crash...from which you, being a skilled pilot, would walk away? By interested people I do not mean your family or friends or the Army.
I mean those who herd the goats and the sheep in the canyons or possibly those who use all this space for...what? Whatever I guess.
Could you be pretty sure, in these areas that look bare, that no one would tear up shooting or capturing? Not that you couldn't escape. Just wondering whether you would be sitting, bored, waiting for rescue or you would be definitely NOT bored.

DAD said...

And, as an aside...This would DEFINITELY be one of my favorite shots if it were not for that spot right in the the viewers left of the Chinook. Have you noticed it? (:

David said...

That is a very interesting question. There are certainly areas where no one would be on you for quite some time but that being said we often see single vehicles driving out in the middle of nowhere. And there are tire tracks in the desert just about everywhere. I would think for the most part the herders would have little to no interest in us and probably stay away even if we wanted them to come near. We travel fairly well armed so I'm not too worried about people with bad intentions approaching us. Also, that is one of the reasons we never travel alone - we always have another helicopter with us. Worst case they would come down and haul us out of there. So I imagine if we are sitting at all it would be bored and waiting for parts or something. We have mentioned many times how much we would like to land on top of one of the bluffs, shut down and eat lunch. I imagine it is very peaceful and quiet there - something we never experience since we always bring the noise with us.