Saturday, December 29, 2007

The crew from Walls' last flight (L-R) me, Walls, Bagley, Jackson, and Serio. It was a pretty standard flight but we had a lot of fun. So often you never know when the last time you are going to do something you love so it was a treat to be able to savor it.


Harold said...

Hi i left a coment on Nov 25 blog not knowing better Harold

DAD said...

Dear reference to "you never know when the last time ..." comment. Yes! Totally true! I feel that way about LIFE. (: Difficult sometimes not to take some experiences, people, for granted thinking " There will be a next time" but sometimes there is no next. This does not make me feel morbid or nervous but ALERT to all possible pleasure or all possible kindness. My success rate is spotty.....some days I hover about 11% even with my finger on the evaluating scales (: but wanting that view point ALL the time pushes me... (: Obviously the pleasure that comes from times with you is an excellent example of times savored...squeezed to the max (: love, me

DAD said...

David, this is your other dad (~:}. Had a fun Christmas with Phillips & 3 sets of Lyons plus a Swanson (ruth). Carlson's were at the beach for Christmas. Lots of good food (swanson crew with Jen & Jennifer as helpers). The house was one of those trophy houses I sneer at, but boy it was comfortable even with 17 people in it! Big LCD sets in living room, downstairs play room (pool table, poker table & one other unknown game table) and one in the master BR. Our spare BR even had a TV (~:} A 3 car garage w/Segway which we all tried riding. Only Henry got "bucked"off - cool little gadget. There was a big fountian made of large rocks which I climbed up on & then realized they were just stacked not fastened togather!! I managed to leave it still standing - just!(~:}
I was playing "8 ball" pool with Renuka & I had only the 8 ball left when she sunk the cue ball. The 8 ball was on the cue ball end so I couldn't hit it direct. The way her remaining 4 balls were placed I would have to hit the rail at the other end, come back & hit the 8 ball into the end cushion & try to sink it in the far end corner pocket - which I did. Renuka wouldn't play with me anymore )~:}
Looking fwd to the Wendi visit. I sure do like our family. Love you son. Thanks for all the notes & picts. Cheers!! DAD

David said...

Uncle Harold,
That is no problem at all - feel free to leave a comment on any post you want. I get a copy of you comment sent to me by email so I will find it and respond. As far as the Ospreys go, the Marines are using them quite a bit over here but pretty much just in a supporting role. They are still a little concerned about losing one so the mostly fly people and equipment from base to base. I get to see them quite a bit when I am out flying - they are strange looking and I have finally seen something that kicks up more dust than we do. That is great news about Dale - I am glad to hear he is getting to do something he loves. Take care and stay safe.

David said...


I think that it is probably for the best that most of the time we don't realize when we are doing things for the last time. That is a lot of emotional responsibility that can decrease the enjoyment of the actual event :) But I wholeheartedly agree that being aware of the possibility of experiencing something for the last time is a very good thing when it helps you to focus on the now. I for one really struggle with that. I spend way too much time looking forward to the next thing (being over here doesn't help :) and forget about the enjoyment of now. At least I don't have to worry about dwelling on the past too much - my memory is way too spotty for that :)
I am glad you enjoyed the house Dad. See what you could have had if it wasn't for us kids? :) I can sympathize with Renuka - I probably would have quit also :) I heard that most of the ducks escaped your hunting prowess due to the common cold (I think that is how the guys in War of the Worlds were taken out also). It is probably just as well - Alice said Mike was pretty well loaded with duck meat. Give Wendi a hug for me and I will talk to you guys later. Love