This is Streva (one of our Marine medics that fly with us) trying to catch the hydraulic fluid that is being pushed out as we bleed the system. The goal is to purge all the lines of air so the pump doesn't cavitate when it starts. We made somewhat of a mess but then helicopters usually do.
Hi David:
Greetings from Fairbanks, where it's -38 degrees (what a bummer, we left Barrow at -3 degrees). We just met Wendi and Russ for coffee and some goodies at the Alaska Coffee Roasting Company; as always, it's good to visit with old friends - we missed you though and keep you in our prayers to come back safely! Wendi is looking great and excited to head down to Seattle over Christmas. Hey, we hear that you had a 'date' with Lance Armstrong and Robin Williams - that sounded like a great evening!
Have a safe Christmas!
Don & Birgit
You know, if you spill even a drop of hydraulic fluid on the ground, then you will be guilty of contaminating Iraq. I know of a good environmental consulting firm that could come over and supervise the excavation of all the contaminated soil, which would then need to be flown somewhere to be cleaned up.
Have a safe and very merry Christmas. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Don & Birgit,
It is so good to hear from you guys! I'm sorry I missed you but at least you got to see the better half :) Thanks for your prayers and I really hope we can get together again after I get back up there. Take care and enjoy the holidays.
As you can imagine they are actually somewhat lax over here when it comes to environmental concerns but that is changing. Just in the time we have been here the military is starting to clamp down on all things hazmat. Which is a good thing because there is no organization like the military when it comes to environmental contamination :) Take care and have a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas bro! We are in Walla Walla now at Rebecca's sister's house...sweet pad. Philips and the parents should be joining us soon. We spent the last couple of days at the parents and dropped off some boxes at their house...our first stage of packing. The rest of it will go in storage though...except the cars..We are giving Jen's car (Sue) to the Philips and my car (Mr. Emerson) to some friends in Wenatchee...sad to see them go! Would be like giving up your blue pickup...except Jen has had Sue since highschool! Preparations are coming along for our trip to Bolivia. We actually have a blog now. You can see it at We will start posting on it after we leave on Jan 23rd. Looking forward to going more and more everyday...but probably not as much as you are thinking about coming home. Talked to your wonderful wife...we might get to see her while she is in Seattle.
Anyway - just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and let you know that we are thinking of you and praying for you. Dios le bendiga -Andrew
It's good to hear things are moving along for you. I am certainly jealous of you being able to see all the family but I don't envy your packing challenges :) I look forward to reading your blog when you get it going. Tell everyone hi for me and I will catch you later.
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