Friday, April 11, 2008

The aft pylon has already been removed (you have to do this to get it inside an airplane) and Donovan is taking off the missile warning equipment.


DAD said...

I read a dumb adventure novel that included a Chinook as a minor character. (: Which prompts my question about missle warning equiptment. I thought a Chinook's ability to evade missles was limited. Are most missles designed to track heat? (I got this from the book.) How could you evade a missle and what is your alert that a missle is approaching Flashing light...sound? Mechanical female voice? Like the ones I have heard on small planes, counting down the feet to ground? Am I correct to think that the weapons you have on board are mainly for, as the military says (I think they say (: "personnel" and are not anti-missle?

David said...

This is a rather delicate subject so I will be a little guarded about what I say. Most missiles we worry about over here are the heat seeking type. We use flares as decoys to pull the missiles away from the aircraft. And yes there is a mechanical voice that alerts us but the flares launch automatically when the system senses a missile heading towards us. You are right about the weapons we have on board - they are designed to defeat other weapon threats. Missiles travel close to the speed of sound or faster so they are a little hard to shoot down with bullets. I think that is about all I should say :)