Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wendi in the same area. That is one thing about me being slowed down - it allowed Wendi to walk with me or even ahead :)


DAD said...

I so totally know that feeling...of being behind, as in VERY behind, unless Art is feeble from illness or in one rather great circumstance for me, wheelchaired at Sea World in San Antonio with one leg in a cast. We ALWAYS knew exactly where Art was...which was a novelty in itself (: Not that I would ever wish Art to be ill or broken of limb...but it was novel to walk side by side...enjoyable in fact (: I think I left a comment on your last pre-leave entry...a kind of welcome back. Not the place you would look for it I think. So if you are hungry for more from home (former home) words...check it out. Love on this 9th day of March.

DAD said...

I need to check out your blog for responses myself. Your response to my welcome back was found by me and read. Thanks. (: Reminds me of some amusing information passed on to me by my Mom about my Dad. If she was going to be gone when my Dad was home she would leave loving notes...instructions about lunch or dinner...suggestions for his comfort...expressions, many and varied, of love and devotion and her hope for a quick return and a wish that he not miss her too much in his absence. My Dad would read these messages and respond, without a trace of irony,"Noted" and the initialed signature..."H.G.D." I therefore commend your communication (and your Dad's) as entirely adequate. (: Love...Happy flying.

David said...

That is very amusing about your Dad :) Wendi did enjoy walking with me - that has been an ongoing subject of conversation every since we have been together :) I think I have the sub conscience sense that if I am not pulling her along she will go slower and slower. It has no basis in reality but something keeps me a couple of paces ahead of her. I must admit that life wasn't all bad at the slower pace and it did provide for easier talking conditions. On our hikes most of what I say has to be repeated - once in the direction of travel and then again as I am turned back to her. That alone should make it worthwhile to stay together :)

Andrew and Jen said...

I can relate to this conversation! It makes me feel wierd to be walking 10 paces ahead of Jen when we are around others (hiking doesn´t bother me as much...just have to wait every few minutes)...but she always seems to fall behind no matter what pace I walk...but that is probably my imagination.

David said...

I am right there with you. Wendi swears she walks the same pace all the time but it seems like when I slow down then she does the same so I always have to walk ahead to keep the pace up :) I'm not sure if we are going to resolve this but hopefully we have a long time to work on it :) I would love to do some hikes with you guys down there but it will have to be another time. Take care and I will keep in touch.