Monday, March 10, 2008

10 Mar

I jumped right back into things – my first three days back I did three test flights. They were all fairly simple but it was nice to get back in the air. There have been a few small changes since I left but overall things have just moved along. I guess I missed some pretty good dust storms that lasted for days but to paraphrase a famous Office Space quote – I wouldn’t say I have been missing them. Speaking of dust storms – another one rolled in this morning. This time the wind is blowing out of the east and the dust is a lot finer – almost like talcum powder. With the wind behind it the dust forces itself through every crack and crevice, which our buildings have a lot of. There was some discussion about whether I would continue to rotate to nights every so often or just stay on days until we leave. I decided to at least go to nights on this cycle so I can get my annual check ride completed. I like the variety but it is less complicated for maintenance scheduling if I stay on days. So I have today off to reverse out - right after I got adjusted to the time zone change. It’s not going so well – I am lying awake writing this right in the middle of when I should be sleeping. It didn’t help that last night I fell asleep at 8:30 while watching a basketball game and woke up at 2:30. So the first few days might be a little rough. We received some great news right when I got back over here. The unit that is going to replace us is scheduled to be here in August so we should be home about 1 ½ months earlier than expected. It’s pretty exciting because September is a wonderful month in Alaska and Wendi and I were hoping to do another camping trip or two before we leave. It was a nice morale boost for everyone here and people are smiling a lot more than they were a few days ago.

Dust H 82 L 58


DAD said...

hey wonderful news...not about the warp and woof of your in no sleep (or sleep at improper moments) or dust storms (we went to see Sara ans Steve and critters and drove through that awesome Palouse country...does this have a dust connection? Yes it does. I am told by those who know that all the Palouse is wind blown glacial till..loess from the glaciers of the last ice age off the Colunbia Plateau...Art says "think of them as sand dunes." Ah....this is very helpful to me...this image. And as we drove I thought "Man!!! This is a LOT of dust!!" Art did a Genesis study which was VERY interesting to me. Helpful. You would have liked it. Better in a lesson format than a condensed lecture in your living room. But if all you can get is the living room digest...still worth it. (: BUT, back to my topic which was "Great News!" about earlier return. September in Alaska would be nice. My Mom would be estatic. She worries for all the Mom's in the world very intensely and urges me not to worry. The fact that I don't actively worry worries my Mom. She is sure that I am concealing my worry. My Mom is very tender hearted and our time with her was really fun...relaxed. But I have said that already. Hey...Now that you are on the downward alert...but I know you have been told that already. By you and by others. No slackness. (: Harder to do this with no sleep but from your youth upwards you have been very good with no sleep...almost a talent of yours..honed through practice. (: Love...

DAD said...

/this is dad DAD writing: Wow! what a coast. only place i have seen i would prefer over Waldport area. if you have info or web sites let me know. is sept in AK better than june? our time spent with you & wendi & the Denalia trip are fond memories.
weather here has been great compared to the Eastwith all their snow & ice. some wind, lit snow & a few showers & some beautiful days- just what one would expect in Spring.
still no wd abt AZ, but making plans anyway. Just contracted for painting the house this month, so that will be behind us when we go.
car finally showing its age - kind of like me!! new muffler, ft brakes, wheel bearings on rt front.
smart thing would be to buy a new one, but poor people can't always be smart.
glad you still enjoy flying. makes me know you are in the right line of work. love you. DAD

tiapugh said...

excellent news!
glad you made it back safely-- even though it was a pain in the neck.