Saturday, March 8, 2008

A view of the ocean from our balcony. The colors of the coast are amazing. It was a great walking beach and the best surfing area on the coast. There were people out there every day in wet suits - a little crazy.


DAD said...

Jenny has organized (begged?)...No I am sure...just requested...some family persons to chip in for a coast trip for me and Art. We could spend this money for LOTS of other things but we won't. We will take it with great gratitude for its intended purpose and go to the Oregon coast. I am, by instinct, a habit loving person. Back to Walport...not to Edgewater as Edgewater has priced itself out of pocket..but to the strangely named Cape Cod Cottages which allows neither dogs (nor anything with fur or feathers) and no smoking and as a BIG bonus, does not expecy ME to clean up our rented area. As I am never sloppy anyway...I did not really like the Edgewater cleaning demands although I realize, with sympathy, why. All that beach sand and dog hair. (: When will this be? A whole week at the end (almost) of April...20 to 27. Glorious coast. Alice comes here, to Pendleton April 9 to 17th. Glory Be! A week with Alice! Very nice. (: Did I ever tell you...I must wonderful it was to have Wendi come to see us? (Speaking of wonderful women.) Off to a nap. Do pilots take naps?

David said...

That is great news about the coast! I am a little jealous - I don't think I have ever stayed at the Cottages. Make sure you give Alice a hug for me and most certainly pilots do take naps :)